Shared Health Research and Innovation is a comprehensive resource for innovation and research within the health care system in Manitoba.
We provide a robust system of supports to create an environment conducive of supporting initiatives in innovation, research and quality endeavors.
We encourage and support clinicians and researchers throughout Manitoba. This involves research done in various regional health authorities, service delivery organizations and facilities including, but not limited to, Manitoba’s largest tertiary hospital, Health Sciences Centre.
Shared Health Research and Innovation provides an effective and efficient means to enable research in Manitoba to be conducted as well as to be a central point of contact for all research related enquires to support Shared Health’s research vision. It aims to support research from initial inception through project implementation. Upon completion of the project, we also assist with leveraging the outcomes of projects to inform health system improvements and knowledge translation.
Current Timelines and Targets
At Shared Health Research and Innovation, we strive to provide fast, efficient, quality service to the research community. Since the inception of Research and Innovation, we have been tracking all projects handled by our group to both ensure that we are meeting acceptable timelines and to identify any areas of improvements so that we can reduce total time to activation without sacrificing quality of work.
These timelines for activation include the time from the initial project submission, to the final activation when a project can commence following institutional assessments and agreement finalization.
Average Timeline for Activations in 2022
For all projects activated in 2022 = 92 Days
For projects submitted and activated in 2022 = 52 Days
Target Timelines for Complete Submission to Activation
Clinical Trials = 4-6 Months
Non-Clinical Trials = 3-5 Months
Student Research < 2 Months
Submission Received
2021 | 2022 | |
Initial Applications | 221 | 308 |
Amendments | 136 | 356 |
Change in Personnel | 104 | 203 |
Research Finance
When is an Account Required?
Account information is required for all projects which may incur costs using Shared Health facilities and or services. If account information is required for a project, it must be submitted prior to activation.
Types of Research Accounts:
SH/WRHA Accounts (Shared Health, Health Sciences Center, St. Boniface Hospital, etc.)
SH/WRHA requires an Account Name, Special Purpose Account / Cost Centre number and Expense Code. SH/WRHA payments will be made via Journal Entry. Copies of the documentation will be sent to the project billing contact(s). For information regarding Shared Health Finance or to download a copy of the application form, visit their website.
University of Manitoba Accounts
A U of M FOAP number is required. A PO or Contract number are required if there are any anticipated charges. A U of M PO or Contract number will be required with the vendor listed as Shared Health and be applicable for all services provided under Shared Health. Note that U of M PO numbers expire on March 31st of each year. Therefore, ensure you have a valid PO for the current fiscal year for all open projects. Account number adjustments will not be made after issuing invoices. Copies of the documentation will be sent to U of M Supplier Payment Services as well as the project billing contact(s).
Networks and Opportunities
Shared Health is a part of various networks within Manitoba and beyond. Many of these networks have multiple facets including, research initiatives. Shared Health Research and Innovation works closely with these partners and looks for new opportunities as they become available.
CAN Health Network
Manitoba Centre for Proteomics and System Biology
Supported Programs and Foundations
Research at Shared Health involves many partnerships and collaborations with other organizations. This involvement facilitates the continual advancement opportunities for research activities in Manitoba. For information on the various groups, please see the links below.
Manitoba Centre for Proteomics and System Biology
Health Sciences Centre Foundation
The Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba
CancerCare Manitoba (Research Resource Impact Committee)
Deer Lodge Centre (Research Committee)
Manitoba Adolescent Treatment Centre
Manitoba Center for Health Policy
Rehabilitation Centre for Children
St. Boniface General Hospital (Research Review Committee)
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (Research Access and Approval Committee)
Access to PHI for Research
Access to personal health information (PHI) is a vital component of research. As a Trustee of health information, Shared Health has a responsibility to ensure that information is being accessed for research purposes appropriately.
Shared Health Research and Innovation facilitates both the provision of data pulls for research purposes, using various sources of information, as well as granting researcher access accounts if the data will be procured by the research team directly from health care systems.
Shared Health Research Information Access Request Form
Requests for user access accounts will be set-up and/or modified following activation of the project or relevant amendment. Once a project receives the activation letter, complete the SH Research Information Access Request form and submit to [email protected].
Note: Access requests will not be processed automatically following activation. These requests must be initiated by the research team by submitting the SH Research Information Access Request form to Shared Health Research and Innovation
Supported Services
Lab Research Documents
- Guidelines for Clinical Trials and Research Studies
- Batch Research Shipment Request Form V1.1
- Research Sample Pick-Up Request Form V1.1
Current laboratory accreditation certificates can be found on the Diagnostic Services Accreditation page.
If you are unable to find the certificates required, please contact [email protected]
Laboratory Information Manual (LIM) & Reference Ranges
Laboratory Reference Ranges are available annually and can be received by contacting [email protected]. To access the most up-to-date laboratory test information if you are searching for the reference values for additional tests not included in the annual documents, please see the LIM.
TDG / IATA Certification
Laboratory staff responsible for shipments are TDG/IATA certified. Certificates are available upon request by contacting [email protected]