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Accessing Supports & Services for Research

General Process

All research studies conducted within an affiliated Shared Health/WRHA facility, program or service must be submitted for institutional assessment.  These studies may include, but are not limited to, clinical research studies which are sponsored by pharmaceutical companies, grant-funded, and Investigator-initiated projects.

This application process oversees all research related activities under Shared Health, including subcommittees of the former Shared Health Diagnostic Services and Health Sciences Centre.  This process is also currently assisting the Winnipeg Research Access & Approval Committee to help provide a streamlined and standardized approach for institutional impact assessments.

If you are unsure if your project needs to be submitted for Shared Health institutional impact assessment, please contact the Shared Health Research and Innovation Office.

All submissions and subsequent required documents are to be submitted to [email protected].

Institutional Assessment

In order to assess a project for the potential impact on Shared Health, the following documents are required to be submitted electronically.  Not all documents may be necessary for each project, however, if an item is required, the submission will not be reviewed until all relevant material has been received.

  • Completed Shared Health Impact Application
  • Protocol
  • Consent Form(s), Assent Form(s) and Consent to Contact Form(s)
  • Recruitment Materials
  • Surveys/Questionnaires
  • Budget
  • Technical/Information Manuals
  • Letters of support
    • Used when there is a broader organizational uptake required (i.e. at a program or regional level)
    • Typically, at the executive/leadership level
    • This does not replace the need for an institutional assessment
  • Animal Use Protocol Form & relevant Schedules
  • Completed Shared Health Feasibility Acknowledgment
  • Relevant Project Agreement(s) drafts

Approval and Activation

The following items may be required following institutional assessment in order to approve and/or activate a project or amendment.

  • Fully Executed Agreement(s)
  • Completed Account Information Form

Prior to accessing Shared Health facilities and/or services, a Shared Health activation letter is required and the Principal Investigator must ensure that the appropriate Research Ethics Board approval is obtained and all departmental set-up, including the delivery of any required supplies, has been completed.

Copies of all external approvals/authorizations, including but not limited to REB and PHRPC (if applicable) must be submitted to Shared Health Research and Innovation immediately upon receipt

Post Activation & Ongoing Requirements


All amendments for revised documents must be submitted to Shared Health Research and Innovation for review.  Changes to services and/or permitted procedures, including but not limited to use of consent form or revised study advertisements, will not be permitted within an affiliated Shared Health/WRHA facility, program or service until such amendments have been activated by Shared Health Research and Innovation.

Annual Updates

The following items are required annually for all open projects

  • Research Ethics Board (REB) Annual Study Status form
  • Annual Research Ethics Board (REB) Approval

Closing a Project

Upon the closure and/or termination of a project, immediate notification must be provided.  Once available, please also provide a copy of the Research Ethics Board (REB) Final Study Status Report.

Submission/Meeting Schedule

Initial submissions will be distributed to our committee on Fridays.  We recommend that research teams submit new initial submissions as they are prepared to allow for our team to then prepare the submission for committee review, and so that we may clarify any questions that arise.

The final cutoff to ensure that packages can be prepared for our committee will be Wednesday each week. Submissions received after Wednesday will be deferred to the following week.