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Imaging Central Intake

The central intake office coordinates diagnostic imaging requisitions in order to reduce and equalize wait times across the city and province. 

Phone: 204-787-8907

Fax: 204-926-3650 or 1-866-210-6119 (toll-free)

Imaging Central Intake

What is Diagnostic Imaging Central Intake?

The centre’s mandate is to provide a single point of entry for all non-emergent outpatient diagnostic imaging requisitions. The staff is also responsible for helping patients and clinicians navigate diagnostic imaging services, resulting in improved access. It serves as a central point of reference for referring clinicians and/or patients on where their requisition for a diagnostic imaging consultation has been sent. Depending on the modality, you may have different intake options for requisitions. Please refer to the table below.

ModalityIntake options
X-rayDirect requisition to site of choice
MammographyDirect requisition to site of choice
FluoroscopyDirect requisition to site of choice
MRICentral Intake (province-wide)
CT Scan
For Winnipeg clinicians – US & CT tests anywhere in the province: Central Intake
For Rural clinicians – US & CT tests in NRHA, IERHA, SHSS or PMH: Direct requisition to site of choice. For tests in Winnipeg: Central Intake
Nuclear medicineCentral Intake OR Brandon

Note: after consultation with a radiologist, emergent requests must go to a specific site, not through Central Intake.

What is the process?

The “Request for Consultation for a Diagnostic Imaging Exam” form (requisition) is completed by a referring clinician and faxed to Central Intake. Requisitions that are illegible will be returned. Requisitions are then faxed to one of the WRHA’s diagnostic imaging facilities based on the shortest wait time for the requested exam. The site will triage the patient requisition and create an appointment. The patient will receive a letter in the mail identifying their appointment time, date and any necessary preparation instructions. On a daily basis, referring clinicians will receive a faxed list identifying which patients were scheduled for appointments, and their subsequent appointment date and time.

Can all “Request for Consultation for DI Examination” forms be sent to DI Central Intake?

Yes. Currently all requisitions for scheduled outpatient Ultrasound (WRHA) and MRI exams (province-wide) must be sent to DI Central Intake.  However, CT and Nuclear Medicine requisitions can also be sent through Central Intake. Follow-up exams should be identified as such and include the site where the previous exam was completed whenever possible. Telephone numbers for all sites are located on this site. Requisitions for Emergency or Inpatients are time sensitive and should be sent directly to the DI department within the site.

How do I access the Request for Consultation for Diagnostic Imaging Forms?

Imagine requisitions can be found here: Diagnostic Imaging Requisitions

What if I have an emergent exam that needs to be done today?

The referring clinician must contact a specific site and speak with a radiologist to inform them of the need for the exam to be done that day and ensure the site has capacity for the exam.

What if I want the request to go to a specific site?

There is an option on the requisition to indicate the ‘preferred’ site.