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Mental Health & Addictions

This service is committed to providing a responsive and inclusive system aimed to restore, promote and maintain mental health and well-being as well as provide addiction services and support healthy behaviours.

Mental Health and Addictions work in partnership with many community services and agencies as well as programs within the province to provide a client focused continuum of care to meet the unique needs of Manitobans and their families experiencing mental health, substance use and gambling related difficulties.

The Mental Health and Wellness Resource Finder provides provincial resources tailored to a number of wellness needs.

NEW! Child and Youth Virtual Consultation and Crisis Response Service

The Child and Youth Virtual Consultation and Crisis Response Service has been created to support professionals and paraprofessionals who have a helping relationship with a child or youth under 18 living in Manitoba. This service works in collaboration with the Child and Youth services in regional Health Authorities, creating a “hub and spoke” service model, supporting low barrier service pathways.

The service offers timely consultation and support to service providers, and where it makes sense, brief treatment/crisis intervention for the children/youth in their care, to stabilize and transition care. This service is not a replacement for existing regional crisis services but works collaboratively to meet the needs of youth and their families. 

About the Service

The service responds to requests from a variety of service providers delivering care to children and youth including:

  • Emergency departments
  • Primary care
  • School clinical teams
  • Health care providers in First Nations Communities
  • Service providers in organizations across sectors (e.g. Health, Housing Addictions and Homelessness, Families, Justice)
  • First Nations community-based resources

Using a hub and spoke model, the service acts as a service hub, receiving requests from service providers across the province. The service offers consultation to service providers for high needs child & youth clients as well as brief treatment to help stabilize clients.

Once a request is received, staff will work with the service provider sources to provide clinical support, clinical assessment, along with medication and psycho-social treatment recommendations, client intervention, and facilitation of resource access. The service will work with regional partners to facilitate access to appropriate regional resources to ensure ongoing continuity of care.

Accessing the Service

The aim of the service is to ensure providers supporting children and youth throughout Manitoba have the ability to access timely supports and opportunities for consultation for clients with complex mental health and substance use concerns.

Criteria for inclusion into the service are:

  • Requests for consultation from service providers
  • Requests in relation to a child/youth under 18 years
  • Service providers to maintain a helping relationship with the child/youth they are consulting about

Hours of Operation

  • The service currently operates Monday to Friday from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.

To make it easier for service providers to access support, there are several ways to contact our team:

Phone: 1-877-536-2590

Fax: 204-786-0990

MB Telehealth: 1-888-315-9257 Email:[email protected]

Crisis Services in Manitoba

To access one of the regional crisis services located throughout the province please see below.

Winnipeg: The Link Mobile Crisis Team

Phone: 204-949-4777

Interlake-Eastern Health Region: Child and Youth Mobile Crisis Team

Phone: 1-877-499-8770

Prairie Mountain Health:  Child and Youth Mental Health Crisis Line

Phone: 1-866-403-5459

Southern Health/ Santé Sud: Child and Youth Mental Health Crisis Line

Phone: 1-888-617-7715

Northern Health Region: Hope North Mobile Crisis Team

Phone: 1-866-242-1571

Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak: Regional Crisis Services

Phone: 1-844-927-5433

If you need assistance determining your health region: RHA Finder | Health | Province of Manitoba

Behaviour Resource and Consultation Team (BRaCT)

The aims of BRaCT are:

  • To improve quality of life for individuals living with complex mental health and behaviour support needs (the “individual”), their families, care providers, and support services (the “support network”) within the context of the individual’s lifestyle, values and environment through supporting the implementation of Positive Behaviour Support principles
  • To build the capacity of the health system services to address behaviors of concern (BoC) and to mitigate risks posed by behaviours of concern through use of a Positive Behavior Support framework.

To access BRaCT services, health-care providers need to complete and fax “BRaCT Request for Consultation Form” or “BRaCT Request for Education” Form to 204-779-9165.

For general BRaCT inquiries – please call 204-430-2867.

NEW! – What You May Not Know About Behaviours of Concern Training Now Available

Developed by BRaCT staff, What You May Not Know About Behaviours of Concern is designed to provide foundational knowledge for all individuals who work in a health care related field within Manitoba and work with individuals presenting with Behaviours of Concern (BoC).

In this training, participants will learn more about what Behaviours of Concern are, why they occur and what individuals can do to support people exhibiting these behaviours. What You May Not Know About Behaviours of Concern is available on the Learning Management System (LMS). To access the training, please visit the LMS website and search the title. For additional information on the training, please click here.

Clinical Resources

Mental Health Quick Reference Guide
The purpose of this guide is to familiarize you with some of the more common mental health issues and mental illnesses you may come across in your day to day work. This document may be helpful to a range of staff. Paraprofessional and support staff may find it particularly useful to equip themselves with the knowledge and tools to effectively work with individuals who may be having difficulty coping due to the nature of their symptoms.

Behaviours of Concern: A Resource for Supporting Individuals
The purpose of this resource is to offer a lens for understanding behaviours that we may see exhibited in individuals that we serve. This includes exploring why behaviours can occur, what they might look like, and how we can offer support to the person. Through review and reflection, we can enhance the nature of our interactions and improve the care that we provide.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with mindfulness (CBTm) for Clients/Patients/Public

The CBTm Hub has been funded by the Manitoba Government in partnership with Shared Health. The CBTm Hub has two main components:

  • Service delivery – Offering access to CBTm classes for all Manitobans
  • Clinical capacity building – Providing training for clinicians to use CBTm materials

The CBTm Hub provides two options for individuals to access the CBTm program:

  • Option 1: Clients/patients from clinics across Manitoba can be referred to the CBTm Hub by any healthcare provider by completing a referral form online at or by using the attached PDF patient referral form in their EMR. Patients can be referred to either the facilitator-led Zoom classes or the online self-directed web course.
  • Option 2: Anyone in Manitoba can now self-refer to either the facilitator-led Zoom classes or the online self-directed course without requiring access to a healthcare provider. Clients/patients can self-refer and choose the program that is best for them by scanning the QR code on the CBTm infographic attached or by visiting the CBTm website.

Anyone who is referred to the CBTm Hub programs must participate in the program evaluation, as the CBTm Hub team uses centralized evaluation to determine the effectiveness of the program. Those referred will begin their CBTm classes within four weeks. We recommend that clinicians check the CBTm website for current client opportunities and consider printing and displaying posters in inpatient, outpatient, and residential facilities so that clients can refer themselves.


Clinical capacity building

The CBTm Hub offers training and support for clinicians interested in using the CBTm material within their practice. The Hub serves as a centralized resource for training, mentorship, adaptations, and program updates for over 400 trained facilitators across the country. The CBTm program can be used both in group settings and on an individual basis, and has been implemented as both a waitlist management tool or as adjunct to current treatment. The program is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Clinicians who are interested in learning more about how they can receive training and integrate the CBTm program into their clinic can visit the CBTm Hub’s website at The CBTm material is currently available in both English and French.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with mindfulness (CBTm) for Health-care Workers

Are you a health-care worker in Manitoba who’s feeling stressed or overwhelmed? A new series of CBTm classes created specifically for health-care workers is now available. These classes are designed to teach skills that can help anyone in the health-care field to manage their mood better and cope with high levels of worry. The CBTm program consists of five classes, which can be done with a facilitator or on a self-guided basis. The program aims to help participants learn the basic principles of CBTm, which can in turn strengthen their mental well-being. CBTm is a program created in Manitoba and is being facilitated by the University of Manitoba, along with several collaborators including Shared Health. To sign up or learn more visit, call 204-787-7729 or email [email protected].

Rapid Access to Addictions Medicine (RAAM)

Rapid Access to Addiction Medication (RAAM) on-call information – For urgent 24/7 assistance that cannot wait until the next RAAM clinic. Available for clinical questions from physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses & pharmacists.

Provincial Virtual Crisis Service

Rural Adult Telemental Health Consultation and Mental Health Virtual Ward Multidisciplinary team providing urgent telemental health consultation and short-term intensive virtual follow-up care for individuals residing in rural Manitoba. Please contact the service to speak to a team member.

Health-care providers: Call 1-204-940-6602 and ask for the Rural Emergent Telepsychiatry Service

Call Line Hours: 7 days/week from 0800 – 1600

(After hours – leave a message/request which will be followed up the next day.)

What is provided?

  • Review of the case with a psychiatrist or delegate
  • Telemental health assessment with a psychiatrist, physician assistant or mental health clinician
  • Referral to short-term intensive virtual follow-up care if indicated

Please have the following information prepared prior to calling:

  • Patient demographic information
    • Full name
    • DOB
    • PHIN
  • Clinical details
    • Diagnoses
    • Clinical assessment details
    • Current Medications

Co-Occurring Disorders Education Curriculum (CODEC)

CODEC Facilitator Materials

NEW! Flexible and Assertive Community Treatment Teams Hub

Recognizing the need for wrap-around multi-disciplinary community mental health teams to address the complex needs of individuals, Shared Health has created three new teams.  These teams located in Winnipeg are the HUB, Flexible Assertive Community Treatment Team (FACTT) and the Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) teams. 

The (F)ACTT Hub was created to be a central location for referrals to be received with a goal of ensuring individuals are directed to the most appropriate resource. The team receives and reviews referrals and conducts initial meetings with individuals to determine whether the FACTT, or the Progressive Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) team would be the appropriate service.

ACT and FACTT are interdisciplinary teams of mental health professionals including a psychiatrist, psychologist social workers, nurses, occupational therapists, substance abuse specialist, employment specialist, support staff and peer support. The teams provide services with a low staff to individual ratio using a team approach with shared caseloads. The teams base the work they do on the principles of psychosocial rehabilitation and recovery.  Individuals working with the teams will help develop their recovery plan, receives assertive outreach, and can expect continuous service over the years, including:

  • Treatment such as medication management, therapeutic counselling, substance use intervention, and access to primary care
  • Rehabilitation is all areas of life including housing, family/social relationships, vocational/education support, and skill building
  • Support though direct assistance to help meet the basic necessities of life
  • On call support, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week

For a comparison of the FACTT, ACT and PACT teams, please click here.

To access the Assertive Community Treatment Teams Program Referral Form, click here.

Youth Mental Health & Addictions Education Series

Are you involved in the care and support of children or youth experiencing challenges with mental health and/or addictions? Youth Mental Health and Addictions Education resources are available to you and will equip you with tools and information.

The Education Series was developed by experts, including multidisciplinary clinicians (Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Psychiatric Nurses, and Social Workers) as well as Elders and Knowledge Keepers. The modules promote awareness of culturally responsive supports and resources while offering tools and techniques that embed addictions care within the mental health framework. 

Who is this Education Series For?

This free education series is encouraged for non-mental health specialists who work with children or youth facing mental health and addictions challenges but are not necessarily treating them. This includes parents, foster parents, social workers, group home workers, teachers or those who support children and youth living in northern communities.

A Roadmap for Navigating Your Learning Path

Each module is focused on a common mental health/addiction issue and associated interventions. Choose any module, in any order and work through them at your own pace.

All modules can be found on the Shared Health website. If you have any questions about the education series please email: [email protected].

Funding was received from the Province of Manitoba to develop a range of mental health training modules for province-wide delivery, building ongoing capacity in supporting Manitoba’s child and youth mental health and addictions supports.

Please click here to view the modules.