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Tools and Resources

To support health care workers involved in providing care to Indigenous patients there are several tools and resources focused on culturally-safe care in Manitoba. Please see below for more information.

Truth and Reconciliation Tool

Any team or individual at any level in the health system can use the Truth and Reconciliation tool to:

  • Focus exploration of the legislation and guidance that applies to the provincial health system, including Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action.
  • Capture how the team can address and/or is addressing the <relevant legislation and guidance>, including direction and commitment from Manitoba’s Health Senior Leadership Committee on disrupting racism
  • Apply an Indigenous lens to strategic, annual operating and work plans
  • Plan services and facilities that are more culturally safe and accessible​​
  •  Work towards closing the gap in health outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Manitoba 
  • Action the Indigenous Partnership Strategy Framework

The Truth and Reconciliation tool may evolve over time to align with operations and health priorities. The Truth and Reconciliation tool guide provides instruction for workshop facilitators.

Accountability Guidance: SDO executives are accountable for organizational use of the tool. A suggested process is for executives to determine which teams complete the tool and then prioritize the committed actions captured in the Summary of actions for strategic plan, annual operating plan, and work plan section at the back of the tool. Executives determine which actions will be included in the current annual operating plan, what remains in departmental plans, and what may get moved out to a different fiscal year.

Indigenous Partnership Strategic Framework

The Indigenous Partnership Strategic Framework was collaboratively developed by health system individuals with extensive knowledge, wisdom and experience in the Indigenous Health field to support transformation and to take strides to improve the quality of healthcare services.

Engagement Spectrum

Coming Soon

Indigenous Health Services in each Health Authority

Below are links to Indigenous Health web pages in other Manitoba Health Authorities.


Southern Health-Santé Sud


Prairie Mountain Health

Northern Health Region

CancerCare Manitoba

Cultural Safety and Anti-Racism Training

Coming Soon

Provincial Indigenous Partners

Coming Soon

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