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Primary Care Data Extract

The Primary Care Data Extract is a specific set of data elements being submitted by over 250 primary care and community clinics in Manitoba.

Introduction to the Primary Care Data Extract

Data extracts are important to support planning, delivery and evaluation of primary-care services and programs throughout the province. Clinics submitting the Primary Care Data Extract receive reports from Manitoba Health, providing them with information on their EMR data quality, chronic disease populations and chronic disease management activities. These reports can help clinics improve their EMR data quality and assist in improving efficiency and quality of care within the clinic. Effective April 2017, the Primary Care Data Extract will be the preferred method to provide supplemental patient care information required to support family physicians claiming applicable Family Medicine tariffs in Manitoba.

To learn more, watch the video, “Primary Care Data Extract: Leveraging Primary Care Quality Indicators in Manitoba.”


The Primary Care Data Extract is a series of specific data elements aligned with primary care quality indicators related to prevention, screening, and management of chronic diseases, including mental health and addictions and sexually transmitted and blood borne infections.

Clinics are encouraged to review the full table of data elements and understand where and how the information is captured in their EMRs. This will provide clinics with the best opportunity to submit comprehensive chronic disease information through their Primary Care Data Extract submissions.

To learn more, watch the video “Primary Care Quality Indicators: Supporting quality patient care in Manitoba.”


Phone: 204-926-3482
Email: [email protected]