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EMR Certification Levels

The initial application window for electronic medical record (EMR) Certification was between Feb. 8, 2016 and April 1, 2016.

EMR vendors are welcome to submit an expression of interest at any time. Contact [email protected] for more information.

View the list of Certified EMR Products.

Read our FAQ to learn more about EMR Certification in Manitoba.

Two Certification levels

The Government of Manitoba recognizes that customer needs may vary based on practice context and has supported this by developing two levels of EMR certification: Standard and Integrated EMR. Standard level is the foundation for Manitoba EMR Certification and is a pre-requisite to moving forward with further assessment of optional components or to the Integrated level of Certification. An EMR Product must meet all assessment criteria in order to achieve certified status for the level requested as outlined below.

To review EMR requirements associated with each level of EMR Certification, visit our EMR Certification Specifications page. 

What Certification level is right for you?

Vendors of Manitoba Certified EMRs may choose the level appropriate for their organization, product and target customer market:

Standard Certification

This level includes assessment of Manitoba’s Baseline EMR Requirements along with the eChart Manitoba (provincial Electronic Health Record) Launch specification. Standard Certification may be appropriate for EMR vendors whose target customer includes specialists and/or other clinicians whose needs may be met with a basic level of EMR integration. This level may also appeal to EMR vendors wanting to enter the Manitoba market with a lower initial investment while providing flexibility to meet individual customer needs through optional components. Once certified at the Standard level, EMR vendors may choose to enhance their EMR product over time by selecting relevant optional components and work to achieve full Integrated EMR Certification over time.

Integrated EMR Certification

Building upon the Standard Certification foundation, this level offers users the highest level of integration available. Target clinics include primary care or community specialty clinics of all sizes who are seeking a highly interoperable EMR system and those involved in provincial initiatives such as Home Clinic and My Health Teams.

Questions about EMR Certification?

Read our FAQ
Phone: 204-926-3482
Email: [email protected]