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Manitoba EMR Certification

Why are provincial standards important?

Provincial standards ensure EMRs have a solid foundation to support delivery of quality patient care. Provincial standards also support:

  • information sharing and interoperability between primary care sites and specialists to improve continuity of care
  • consistent and measurable preventative care and chronic disease management
  • advancement of primary care renewal efforts
  • consistent data collection and submission to support health system planning

Certification of EMR Products against provincial standards supports achievement of these objectives, while managing cost and risk.

Scope of EMR Certification in Manitoba

The goal of the certification process is to ensure EMR products have the ability to support the strategic and operational objectives of Manitoba and end-users of Manitoba Certified EMRs over time.

Legal Disclaimer
The decision whether to adopt EMR technology and whether to select a Certified EMR is in the sole discretion of individual purchasers. Purchasers should exercise due diligence in all purchase decisions and in any agreement entered into for the acquisition of an EMR.

Purchasers are solely responsible for ensuring that an EMR will meet their requirements and will work within their clinic setting. Manitoba and Shared Health shall not be responsible for any failure of an EMR product to meet a purchaser’s requirements or function in the purchaser’s clinic setting or for an EMR ceasing to qualify as a Certified EMR.

Manitoba’s Certification is focused on ensuring an EMR product:

  • meets a minimum provincial standard for clinical and administrative functions
  • reliably and securely integrates with Manitoba’s provincial services

There are many other purchaser responsibilities beyond the scope of Manitoba certification that you need to consider. Resources are available to keep you informed about EMR Certification and assist EMR purchasers with their decision-making process:

  • Frequently Asked Questions
    These FAQs are targeted at purchasers of EMR products and are a great source of general information.
  • Purchaser Responsibilities summary
    This summary was designed to help prepare your practice to evaluate and communicate with EMR vendors.
  • Provincial EMR Requirements Overview
    This overview provides a brief summary of both mandatory and optional EMR requirements included in the two levels of EMR Certification.
  • Purchaser Overview of the Agreement for EMR Certification
    Key concepts in the Agreement for EMR Certification are shared which may inform your discussions with an EMR vendor.
  • Contact Us
    Have questions about EMR Certification? Our centralized email address, [email protected], connects you with members of the EMR Certification Team who can provide answers and support.