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Breast Health Centre


Referral forms

No referral forms are needed for the following services. Please contact directly.

Nutrition Services – Ph: 204-235-3646 or fax request to 204-231-3839

Psychosocial Counselling – Ph: 204-258-1004 or fax request to 204-231-3839

If you have questions about our services or the referral process, please call the Centre from Monday to Friday (between 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) at 204-235-3906 or toll-free at 1-888-501-5219.

Who are our services for?

Women and men 18 years of age and over with:

  • Breast concerns
  • Signs and symptoms breast cancer 
  • Biopsy-proven breast cancer who require surgical intervention
  • Lymphedema – signs and symptoms with a history of breast cancer
  • Psychosocial concerns or questions about the diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship issues related to breast cancer
  • Nutritional concerns or questions related to breast cancer risk and breast cancer survivorship
  • Increased risk of developing breast cancer. For genetic testing and counselling, refer directly to the Hereditary Breast Cancer Clinic

We do not see people for:

  • Breast feeding issues. For breast feeding issues, contact the Breast Feeding Hotline (204-788-8667) or refer to the public health nurse
  • Breast infection requiring emergent care (refer to hospital emergency department)    

How do I make a referral?

Patients 35 years of age and older

  • Order a mammogram if a recent one (less than 12 months) is not on file.
  • Use the Manitoba Provincial Breast Imaging Consultation Request form to order this test. Send it to one of the two mammography facilities (MB X-Ray Clinic or Radiology Consultants)
    • NOTE:  As part of the Direct Referral process, the Radiologist will automatically forward your requisition on to another facility for additional tests.  You and your patient will be notified and you will be copied on the mammogram report.

Patients under the age of 35

Complete a Referral for Surgical Consultation for the Breast Health Centre.  Your patient will be assessed prior to scheduling imaging tests.

Pediatric patients

Individuals under the age of 18 should be directly referred to the Pediatric Surgery Department for assessment (phone: 204-787-1246, fax: 204-787-4618). A pediatric surgeon will assess and determine if the patient is to be referred to the Breast Health Centre for further follow-up. For more information, refer to the Breast Ultrasound Pathway for Individual Under the Age of 18.

Patients with mastitis / breast infections and abscesses

Screening / Surveillance

Breast Health Centre’s mandate is to provide rapid diagnosis for breast abnormalities.

  • We are not a screening or surveillance program
  • We do not provide screening mammography or screening ultrasound exams for women with breast implants
  • Refer patients with breast implants to a diagnostic mammography site for screening.
  • Ultrasound for breast screening is not standard practice. Contact Breast Check for screening mammograms, 204-788-8000. Refer those not eligible for screening at Breast Check to a diagnostic mammography site.

Patients on anticoagulation therapy

  • If a patient is on anticoagulation therapy and requires an invasive procedure, the referring practitioner will be responsible for determining whether the therapy can be interrupted or if alternative therapy will be initiated and managed. This will be coordinated by a nurse at the Breast Health Centre with the referring practitioner.