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Patient Safety Learning

Sharing and Learning for Change

Despite the many processes and systems in place to support safe health care in Manitoba, unintentional harm can still occur, impacting individuals, their families and healthcare teams.

Recent Canadian data shows that in 2022-23, one in 17 patients admitted to hospital experienced at least one harmful event.

There is strength and purpose in sharing facts and recommendations about health-care risks and harm.  Our responsibility as health-care teams is to recognize system issues that result in unintended outcomes, and to learn from health-care harm by taking action.

It is also our responsibility to proactively identify risks to patient safety and take steps to reduce or eliminate these risks.

Accountability, honesty, and transparency start with sharing information about what is happening in our Provincial Health System. We acknowledge that each of these incidents or near misses impacted a person and their family. The information on this page represents a part of their health care story; however, only they can speak to the full impact of their experiences. 

Patient Stories

Mental Health Support

Content on this page describes sensitive matters that may affect you emotionally.  Please access the Mental Health & Wellness Resource Finder if you would like emotional or mental health support.

Health Links – Info Santé is also available, and allows you to speak directly to a registered nurse who can provide health-care advice and guide you to services close to you. Open to individuals of all ages calling from within Manitoba. This free service is available 24/7/365 in French and English. Phone: 204-788-8200, or 1-888-315-9257 (toll-free).

Information on this page is shared using the following principles:

  • Privacy:  Individuals’ rights to privacy are protected.
  • Promote Culture of Safety: Investigate incidents and share the outcome without assignment of blame.
    Note: The majority of safety events are a result of system issues or gaps.
  • Transparency:  Current patient safety issues and trends are highlighted.
  • Engagement and Participation in Solutions: Viewers are encouraged to reflect, be open minded, and engage in solutions in their workplace.
  • Accountability: Proactive and reactive actions health-care teams are taking to reduce risks and address system gaps are communicated.
  • Learning and Professional Development: Links to patient safety learning resources are provided.

Patient Safety Notifications

This is a repository of provincial-level patient safety communications.  There may be additional alerts or communications specific to a health authority, facility or health service/program that are not listed on this page.

Required Organizational Practice (ROP) Posters – Safety Practices for Staff

Health-care organizations aim to have safety practices in place which meet or exceed Health Standards Organization (HSO’s) requirements (Accreditation Canada). These standards are developed through national and international analysis of patient safety incidents, research and best practices. 

Implementation of these Safety Practices is a proactive approach to reduce risks and promote safety for patients/clients.  Posters have been created, which include information on safety practices, that are linked to ROPs found in HSO’s clinical standards.

These posters can be utilized to promote awareness around safety practices. Use these resources to engage and support your team on their quality and safety improvement efforts.


Advancing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Patient Care

Language Access

Measuring racism, not race – racial, ethnic, and Indigenous identity data in health care

Learn to be safe

Additional Resources


Do you have questions or comments about the information on this page?  Email [email protected] to share your feedback.

Patient Relations

Patient Relations Offices allow patients and their family members to raise concerns about their care experiences and provide feedback that can help improve care delivery.