Combating the primary care crisis: quality improvement lessons learned from the frontline
Session Description
Primary care is in crisis. To help combat this trend, Dr. Emmett Harrison will discuss the power of quality improvement and share his lessons learned from the frontline as a family and emergency medicine physician in Swift Current.
You will gain insight into his recent continuous quality improvement endeavours, including a Pharmacy Care Pilot and Patient’s Medical Home Pilot, both of which involve the co-location of nursing at the Associate Family Physicians Clinic and using a collaborative care model with a local pharmacy to assist in their expanded scope of practice.
Dr. Harrison will also discuss the importance of creating a “quality improvement learning milieu”, reflecting on his roles as a local residency scholarly improvement project lead, and mentor with the Health Quality Council Quality Improvement (QI) in Clinics program.
In this webinar, you will:
- Be inspired to utilize similar quality improvement practices in your own collaborative interdisciplinary care groups.
- Become advocates for expanding a Patient’s Medical Home model including continuous quality improvement.
Discover opportunities for leveraging existing provincial quality improvement programs to educate your clinical team.
Speaker: Dr. Emmett Harrison, family and emergency medicine physician in Swift Current, Saskatchewan
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