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Take our kids to work day

Welcome to Take Our Kids to Work Day at Shared Health 

Thank you to everyone who participated in Take Our Kids to Work Day!

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Today, you are stepping into the shoes of your accompanying adult to learn more about their role and explore different career opportunities in our health system.

As a nurse – and also as the CEO of Shared Health – I’m so excited about the many things you will learn today, and the possibility that something you see or hear about will inspire an interest in your own health care journey.

Whether you have joined a parent, guardian or family friend to visit us today, I want you to know that your accompanying adult is someone incredibly special. No matter their role, they are part of the 60,000+ person team that delivers health care across Manitoba. They have trained and studied to reach their current career, and they spend each shift working to improve care for patients. It’s an incredible responsibility and health care jobs can be among the most rewarding of careers!

Today you will experience a day in the life of jobs filled by people with incredible compassion and the desire to help others. If you take a moment to ask the health-care workers that you meet today what inspired them to pursue their career, I’m willing to bet that you will hear a few common responses.

“I wanted to help people”, many will say. “My mom, dad, aunt, favourite cousin, was a health-care worker”, will also be something you hear. And a few will probably have their own experience as a patient or family member who had a memorable interaction with a health-care worker.

Impactful moments and interactions inspire future health-care workers. And I hope that your visit today includes a moment that might inspire you. Welcome. Have the best day. And if someone or something inspires you, please carry that with you into your future studies. We’ll have a spot waiting for you when you are ready.  

  Lanette Siragusa

  Chief Executive Officer, Shared Health

What is Shared Health?

Shared Health works with Manitoba health authorities to plan and implement a coordinated, provincial approach to health services. From the development and management of a Provincial Clinical and Preventive Services Plan to the setting of clinical standards, Shared Health teams contribute to provincial efforts to improve access, quality and reliability of health services for all Manitobans.

Manitoba’s health-care system is dedicated to an ongoing commitment to cultural safety and quality. To learn even more today, explore our Shared Community and Racism, Disrupted pages.

wash your handsHand Hygiene RapWant to be a Paramedic?Interested in becoming a nurse?Interested in becoming an allied health professional?There are hundreds of different career opportunities in health care, find out more!


Test your healthcare knowledge with these three exciting activities: a fun quiz, a challenging word search, and a mind-boggling word scramble.

Answer Keys: Word Scramble and Word Search

Privacy and the Personal Health Information Act (PHIA)

The privacy, confidentiality and security of information are important to Shared Health. Our organization, and each individual member of our staff, are committed to maintaining the integrity of all information entrusted to us. For more information visit Shared Health’s access and privacy webpage.

All responsible adults must ensure kids participating in Take our Kids to Work Day review PHIA obligations. Please go through the following form with your participating student and submit the completed form to your site/program privacy officer or send by email to

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