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My Health Teams

My Health Teams are teams of care providers (whether located in the same offices or virtually connected online) that deliver comprehensive services for a geographic area or a specific community or population to help ensure all Manitobans get the care they need, when they need it. They are part of the health care neighbourhoods that provide care. 

My Health Teams are built around strong partnerships. The vision is that Manitoba’s Home Clinics will be the patient’s home base and will help patients access the supports and services available – the My Health Team – to ensure the comprehensive care of its patients. 

My Health Teams are less about physical space, and more about leveraging and building on existing services and enhancing them so that consumers are offered more coordinated and comprehensive care.

Most of all, My Health Teams are about providing excellent service to Manitobans that meets community needs. Once well-established, all My Health Teams must provide a common set of services to their communities. Click here for information on the key elements of My Health Teams.

My Health Teams Goals

Inter-professional My Health Teams will develop services to ensure people are more informed and involved in planning their own care. Other goals of My Health Teams include:

  1. Improving access to primary care for all Manitobans.
  2. Demonstrating quality and safety in primary care
  3. Increasing the focus on the patient and patient-centred primary care.
  4. Connecting care providers within and across geographic boundaries to provide seamless transitions in care.
  5. Enhancing efficiency in primary care and supporting sustainability of the health system.

Services in My Health Teams will emphasize prevention and coordinate disease management, including the identification and reduction of chronic disease risk factors such as physical inactivity and tobacco use.

Service Standards

  • improved access to care (timely, and without barriers, etc.)
  • outreach to more vulnerable or underserviced populations
  • options to get care outside office hours
  • access to a regular primary provider who’s part of a team of other health care providers (such as dietitians, nurse practitioners, midwives, occupational therapists or social workers)
  • a greater focus on promoting good health and preventing disease
  • access to a person’s health information by health providers involved in their care
  • reliable and timely connections between health and other sectors in coordinating an individual’s care
  • better communications on how to find resources, and how to access needed information within a large, institutional health care system
  • involvement by individuals in their own care and health care decisions, including more culturally sensitive care
  • “any door is the right door” approach to care for those who might not look for or know where to go for service including our more underserviced populations
  • receiving more reliable and consistent primary care

Click here for a list of frequently asked questions by the public about My Health Teams.