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Provincial Learning & Competency Development Hub

Welcome to the new Provincial Learning and Competency Development Hub for Manitoba’s mental health and addictions workforce.

The Hub is a one stop shop for accessing provincially available education/training in mental health and addictions, and is based on a learning and competency framework that uses proficiency levels to help advance your learning needs.

The trainings identified below are considered recommended to promote personal and professional growth; they are NOT required. Also, the Learning and Competency Framework is not meant to be in a linear progression. However, there may be site-specific training requirement. Please check with your supervisor/manager to confirm which trainings are mandatory for your role.

Learning is a continuous process and the training identified here will help support your ongoing professional development. Trainings are available in a variety of formats, including self-paced, virtual skill-building sessions, e-learning modules and educational modules.

Courses are bundled to equip you with targeted knowledge and skills needed to provide quality mental health and addictions care to Manitobans accessing these services.

Who is the Learning and Competency Framework for?

This site is for all mental health and addictions workforce across Manitoba.

Why do we need an MHA Learning and Competency Training Hub?

  • Increases accessibility of education to build and apply mental health and addiction knowledge and skills, supporting continuous learning and competency development in the workforce
  • Enhances provincial coordination of mental health and addictions training/competency building across the province guided by an established framework
  • Improves consistency and standardization of mental health and addictions trainings across Manitoba
  • Increases equitable and accessible core mental health and addictions trainings provincially
  • Provides opportunities for consistent continuous learning/competency building among mental health and addictions workforce throughout the province.

What are the Different Levels of Proficiency?

Click below to learn more about each level of proficiency.

Levels of Proficiency

Levels of proficiency
Foundational Developing Proficient Advanced


Demonstrates basic knowledge and ability, and can apply the competency, with guidance, in common situations that present no or limited difficulties.


Demonstrates sound knowledge and ability, and can practically apply the competency and associated knowledge and skills with minimal or no guidance, in the full range of typical situations. Likely requires guidance to handle novel or more complex situations.


Demonstrates in-depth knowledge and ability, and can consistently and effectively apply the competency in complex and challenging situations and settings. Guides other professionals.


Demonstrates expert knowledge and ability and can apply the competency in the most complex situations. Develops or facilitates new practices, programs, and policies. Is recognized as an expert, internally and externally. Is involved in leadership and decision-making processes, as applicable.

(Adapted from Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addictions)

The learning and competency pathway consist of four phases: foundational, developing, proficient and advanced. The trainings identified in each phase have been grouped based on the CCSA technical competencies for the provincial mental health and addictions workforce.

While courses have been placed in a level of proficiency based on the course learning objectives, please be advised that completing the training does not mean that individuals have necessarily met the full criteria for competency in that level.


Please review the course objectives, target audience and location/site offering before registering for courses.


Course Name Platform Type of Course Length (in Hours)
CODEC Foundations (former Tier 1) Self-Directed 10
Dementia Awareness - 1: Dementia Basics Self-Directed 0.5
Dementia Awareness - 2: Dementia and Approach Self-Directed 0.5
Harm reduction Self-Directed 1
Health Behaviour Change part 1  Self-Directed 0.75
Helping Yourself and Others in the Workplace Self-Directed 0.5
IERHA - Indigenous Cultural Awareness Live In-person full day
Indigenous Cultural Awareness workshop Live online 7
PACES Phase 1: Expectations for Care  Self-Directed 1
PACES Phase 1: Understanding Addiction  PACES Self-Directed 1
PACES Phase 1: Understanding Concurrent Disorders  PACES Self-Directed 1
PACES Phase 1: Understanding Gambling Disorder  Self-Directed 1
PACES Phase 1: Understanding Internet Gaming Disorder  PACES Self-Directed 1
PACES Phase 1: Understanding Mental Health and Mental Health Conditions  PACES Self-Directed 1
PACES Phase 1: Understanding Psychoactive Substances  PACES Self-Directed 1
PACES Phase 2: Introduction to CBT  PACES Self-Directed 1
PACES Phase 2: Welcoming and Engaging Practice  PACES Self-Directed 0.75
Suicide Assessment Intervention and Monitoring (SAIM) Self-Directed 0.5
The Power of Empathy in Communication Self-Directed 1
Tobacco Basics  Self-Directed 1.5
Understanding and Caring for Your Own Mental Health Self-Directed 3
What You May Not Know About Behaviours of Concern Self-Directed 1
Youth - Attachement and Development  Other Self-Directed 0.5
Youth-Accessing and Navigating the Mental Health System within Manitoba Other Self-Directed 0.5
Youth-All About ADHD Tics and Tourette's Disorder  Other Self-Directed 0.5
Youth-All About Autism Spectrum Disorders  Other Self-Directed 0.5
Youth-All About Depression  Other Self-Directed 0.5
Youth-Anxiety and Youth  Other Self-Directed 0.5
Youth-Cultural Considerations in Mental Health Care, Supporting Refugee and Immigrant Families  Other Self-Directed 0.5
Youth-Indigenous Worldview Teachings  Other Self-Directed 0.5
Youth-The Basics of Bipolar Disorder and an Overview of Psychosis  Other Self-Directed 0.5
Youth-Understanding Youth Mental Health and Wellness and Substance Use  Other Self-Directed 0.5

* $100 fee. Staff from other Health Authorities may contact IERHA directly to see if there are extra seats they could apply for.

** WRHA / Shared Health staff must pay $50. All other Health Authorities must pay $100


Course Name Platform Type of Course Length (in Hours)
Addressing Violence and Aggression in Inpatient Mental Health and Crisis LMS Live In-person 7.5
Applied Tobacco Intervention Course LMS Live online 7.5
Brief Tobacco Intervention LMS Self-Directed 0.7
CBTm Faciliator Training Other Live Online 7.5
CODEC Clinical Explorations (former Tier Two) LMS Live online 8
Health Behaviour Change part 2  LMS Live online 3.5
Health Behaviour Change part 3  LMS Live online 3.5
Suicide Assessment and Intervention for Mental Health & Addictions Professionals LMS Live online 4
PACES Phase 2: Change and Motivational Interviewing  PACES Self-Directed 0.75
PACES Phase 2: Comprehensive Interventions: An overview  PACES Self-Directed 0.75
PACES Phase 2: Comprehsenive Assessment  PACES Self-Directed 0.7
PACES Phase 2: Integrated Treatment Planning  PACES Self-Directed 0.7
PACES Phase 2: Intoxication and Withdrawal part 1 and part  2  PACES Self-Directed 2
PACES Phase 2: Introduction to CBT  PACES Self-Directed 1
PACES Phase 2: Introduction to DBT  PACES Self-Directed 1.25
PACES Phase 2: Screening and Brief Intervention  PACES Self-Directed 0.7
PACES Phase 2: Transitions in Care  PACES Self-Directed 0.7

*Note: The CBTm Facilitator Training is designed to expand clinicians knowledge in CBT to facilitate the CBTm program. While the training introduces concepts of CBT, it is not a comprehensive training in CBT.


Course Name Platform Type of Course Length (in Hours)
Project ECHO Zoom Live Online Varies


Course Name Platform Type of Course Length (in Hours)
Project ECHO Zoom Live Online Varies

How to Use the Provincial Learning and Competency Training Hub

  • Consult with your supervisor to better understand your learning and professional development needs and the skill proficiency for your specific role. Next, identify the trainings that you need to complete to reach the desired proficiency.
  • Offerings that are listed are available provincially to all mental health and addictions professionals. Please note that the list of trainings identified here are not exhaustive. There may be trainings that are region-specific that are not identified here. Please check with your supervisor to better understand which trainings are right for your professional development and how to access region-specific training.  
  • Offerings are intended to be used as a guide to assist in building your mental health and addictions knowledge competencies. Please speak with your supervisor/manager to better understand which offerings are right for you and your mental health and addictions learning development.
  • The Learning and Competency Framework is a living document. Please check back for updated information on new offerings.  

If you have any questions about the Learning and Competency Framework or have an idea about a course offering you’d like to share with us, please contact [email protected].