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Product Monographs

DISCLAIMER: Printed versions of any document may not be the most current version. Although every effort to ensure that all information is accurate and complete, documents and policies are regularly under review and in the process of being amended and blood product information/inserts may change.  The most current version of the policy, and/or product insert/circular of information shall apply.  Users should verify that any policy is the most current policy before acting on it. Contact your facility paging for the Transfusion Medicine Hematopathologist on call if required.

Click Product Name to review monograph.

Document NumberProduct Name
160-65-01Red Blood Cells-Leukoreduced
160-65-06Immune Globulin Intravenous Human
160-65-07RhIg- Rh Immune Globulin (WinRho)
160-65-08Subcutaneous Immune Globulin
160-65-09C1 Esterase Inhibitor
160-65-10Recombinant Factor VII (rFVIIa) – Niastase RT
160-65-12rFVIII-Kovaltry Antihemophilic Factor Recombinant
160-65-13rFVIII-Xyntha Antihemophilic Factor Recombinant
160-65-15FVIII/vWF Humate P Antihemophilic Factor/vonWillbrand Factor Complex
160-65-16FVIII/vWF Wilate Antihemophilic Factor Recombinant
160-65-17rFIX BeneFIX  Antihemophilic Factor Recombinant
160-65-18FEIBA Anti-Inhibitor Coagulant Complex
160-65-20Adynovate- Antihemophilic Factor VIII Recombinant  PEGylated
160-65-21Fibrinogen Concentrate-RiaSTAP
160-65-22Prothrombin Complex Concentrates (Octaplex, Beriplex) –
160-65-25Hepatitis B Immune Globulin
160-65-26Alprolix-Antihemophilic Factor Recombinant BDD-FC Protein
160-65-27Eloctate-Antihemophilic Factor Recombinant BDD-FC Protein
160-65-29Tetanus B Immune Globulin
160-65-30Rebinyn Antihemophilic Factor IX, Recombinant PEGylated
160-65-31Obizur Antihemophilic Factor, Recombinant Porcine Sequence
160-65-33JIVI, AntihemophilicFactor (recombinent, B-domain deleted, PEGylated)
160-65-35Fibryga (Fibrinogen Concentrate)
160-65-36Haegarda (C1 Esterase Inhibitor Subcutaneous)
160-65-38HyQvia Subcutaneous Immune Globulin
160.35-38Glassia (Alpha-1 Proteinase Inhibitor)
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