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Non-Emergent Referrals

The “Diagnostic Imaging form” (requisition) is completed by a referring clinician and faxed to Central Intake. Requisitions are then faxed to one of the Shared Health diagnostic imaging facilities based on the shortest wait time for the requested exam.

Modality specific intake options are listed below:

ModalityIntake Options
X-Ray– Walk up service
– Hours of operation are site specific
Breast Imaging– Direct requisition to site of choice
– Do not send to Central Intake, excluding Breast MRI
Fluoroscopy– Direct requisition to site of choice
MRI– Central Intake for all MRI requests
Ultrasound– For Winnipeg clinicians, or for request to be performed in Winnipeg, all requisitions are to be sent to Central Intake. 
– For Rural clinicians requesting a rural location (NRHA, IERHA, SHSS or PMH), direct requisition to site of choice.
CT– For Winnipeg clinicians, or for request to be performed in Winnipeg, all requisitions are to be sent to Central Intake. 
– For Rural clinicians requesting a rural location (NRHA, IERHA, SHSS or PMH), direct requisition to site of choice.
Nuclear Medicine– For Winnipeg clinicians, or for a request to be performed in Winnipeg, all requisitions are to be sent to Central Intake
– For Rural clinicians requesting Brandon Regional Health Center, direct requisition to Brandon.

Diagnostic Imaging Hours and Locations

Hours and locations are available here.

Hours and Locations