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Quality Improvement

Shared Health’s Health Services and Integration (HSIQ) Quality Improvement Team supports Manitoba’s commitment to health system transformation to improve access to care and quality of patient outcomes. The Quality Improvement Team works to support provincial clinical planning and improve the delivery of health care across the province.

Potential quality improvement projects are brought to the attention of the HSIQ Team through a variety of sources, such as through the Provincial Clinical Team (PCT) or analysis of provincial level data. Quality improvement initiatives are vetted to assess alignment with provincial priorities and prioritization within and across all other initiatives. Focused quality improvement initiatives are addressed in priority areas that move care to a common provincial standard with consistent clinical pathways to improve outcomes for patients, accessibility and equity of services and reduce variability in care across the province.

All quality improvement initiatives include assessment and data analysis as well as a business case that defines the initiative and benefits to patients, clients, and the system overall. Benefits are defined according to the elements of the quadruple aim embedded into the Manitoba Quality and Learning Framework (MQLF).

There are 4 main intake mechanisms for quality improvement initiatives on a provincial scale:

  1. Targeted Practice Improvements (TPI) – initiatives identified by a PCT or specialty area. These are initiatives to implement consistent clinical practice standards, reduce variability, improve outcomes, access and care equity provincially.
  2. PCT Initiatives – these improvement efforts involve the design and implementation of revised or new models of care, care pathways or services. It may also include the discontinuation of outdated models of care.
  3. Choosing Wisely – some quality improvement initiatives are part of the Choosing Wisely national initiative to reduce unnecessary tests, treatments and procedures using evidenced based standards. Locally, Choosing Wisely Manitoba (CWMB) is a partnership between Shared Health and the George and Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innovation. Many of the TPIs are joint projects with CWMB to implement clinical practice changes in Manitoba using evidence-based research to improve how we offer care provincially.


Tools and resources to support quality improvement in Manitoba’s health system.

Team Members

  • Christine Peters, Provincial Quality Improvement Lead
  • Chelsea Gurniak, Quality Improvement Project Manager
  • Jacquie Radtke, Provincial Clinical Consultant
  • Violet Sung, Quality Improvement Project Manager
  • Lisa Kendrick, Process Improvement Specialist
  • Marc Morissette- Clinical Practice Facilitator

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