Provincial Clinical Teams
Provincial planning is informed by evidence, clinical experience, and leading best practices to meet the needs of our communities. Manitoba clinical experts have proposed patient-focused solutions and prioritized three areas of work:
- Delivering more services locally – using existing clinical services better, and investing in people, equipment and infrastructure
- Modernizing and standardizing how we deliver home and community care
- Finding and fixing the clinical areas where we must improve care and outcomes
Eight Provincial Clinical Teams have been identified to achieve our priorities. The key roles and responsibilities of the Provincial Clinical Teams are:
- provincial planning, and overseeing the development and implementation of plans
- monitoring and improving quality and safety – including the development of provincial clinical standards, guidelines and practice tools where needed
- reviewing and prioritize proposals for new and expanded services for the PCT

The Provincial Clinical Team Model demonstrates a new way of working together. PCTs are supported by HSIQ team members and include medical specialty leads and service delivery organization team members. The Provincial Clinical Leadership Team oversees the efforts of all the Provincial Clinical Teams and sets overall direction for the Clinical Preventative Services Plan.
Provincial Clinical Teams and quality, patient safety leaders will lead collaborative projects and initiatives to standardize processes, implement clinical standards, address variation and waste, and improve the patient experience.