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Patient Safety Learning Advisories

Patient Safety Learning Advisories (PSLAs) are factual summaries of critical incidents or patient safety reviews. PSLAs are used when healthcare learning opportunities (system learning) are identified which may decrease the risk of similar occurrences or prevent future patient harm.

PSLAs are developed following completion of the Critical Incident review so the timeline between an individual event and the completion of a PSLA may vary and will not include information related to CIs where a review is in progress. Each of these learnings may cover multiple events. Any immediate safety risks identified through the CI investigation would be shared with staff in real time, through Patient Safety Huddles or Patient Safety Alerts.

These are shared broadly with patients/families and healthcare providers to encourage system learning, and to improve safety and quality of health services.

Action: Review the PSLAs and reflect on how this information could be used in your work or care area to reduce risks to patients/clients/residents.

Patient Safety Learning AdvisoryKeywords
Delay in AngiogramCardiac care, angiogram
Deterioration of a Pressure Injury After DischargePressure injury, information transfer, Kardex
Development of Compartment SyndromeCompartment syndrome, immobilization of fracture, transfer delays
ElopementElopement, death, pass, leave pass
Failure to Recognize Deteriorating Health StatusLab results, creatinine, deterioration, communication, shift handover, information
transfer, NEWS
Fall from Bed Causing FractureFall, fracture, documentation, shift handover, communication, fall mat
Injury During Positioning of WheelchairFracture, table, equipment, wheelchair, seated, accessibility
Medical Devices Causes Pressure InjuryPressure injury, medical device, feeding tube
Pressure Injury Deterioration While in CarePressure injury, wound, stage 3, pressure-relieving device, wheelchair, communication, shift handover
Surgery Performed on the Wrong Body SiteSurgery, wrong site, surgical safety checklist, surgical site
Wrong Medical Device Inserted During ProcedureSurgery, surgical procedure, wrong device, medical device, surgical safety checklist, equipment storage, training, delegation