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Health Services Integration & Clinical Planning

Health Services Integration and Clinical Planning (HSICP) is the service area responsible for working with clinical subject matter experts and service delivery organization (SDO) stakeholders across the province to develop and implement the successive five-year provincial Clinical and Preventive Services Plan (CPSP) for the delivery of health services in Manitoba.

HSICP supports and coordinates the Provincial Clinical Teams, which include representatives from all SDOs, to develop clinical standards, guidelines and practice tools, integrate health services planning to improve the quality of care, and support the implementation and continuous improvement of innovative and sustainable health services for Manitobans.

The Manitoba Quality and Learning Framework (MQLF) is used to guide health planning, monitor measurement and evaluation, and improve quality and patient safety in the province. The MQLF identifies principles, quality dimensions, and enablers that support a culture of quality and safety for all levels of the health care system. It was developed to enable the standardization of care through a provincial clinical governance approach as quality, safety and a culture of client-centred care are fundamental to achieving the priorities of the CPSP.

The team plays a “Lead and Coordinate” and supportive role whenever the clinical change is:

  • Greater than any single SDO
  • Impacts or affects a larger population than any one SDO serves
  • Changes existing care pathways or models of care
  • Has workforce implications
  • Requires new funding or changes in funding

The HSIQ team supports:

  • Collaboration with clinical subject matter experts and SDO stakeholders to update and create comprehensive, evidence-informed, provincial service delivery models that drive best practices.
  • Development of key performance indicators, specific education for provincial health services, province-wide communication, and measurable outcomes for successful implementation across the province.
  • Interaction with SDO implementation teams to ensure the new or updated provincial models of care are successfully implemented into the organization.