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WOW WEDNESDAY – Nursing Stories: What, Opportunities We Share in Career Development


You are invited to join the next WOW Wednesday on March 6, 2024 featuring Chris Vargek from CancerCare Manitoba.

Chris has been a Registered Nurse for 14 years, spending the entirety of his career with a focus in oncology.  After graduating from the University of Manitoba in 2009, Chris spent the next 10 years working in Acute Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplants at Health Science Centre.  In early 2020, Chris transitioned to Nurse Educator at CancerCare Manitoba and has since taken over as manager of the Systemic Therapy Program in 2022 where he currently works.

For information about upcoming speakers and to listen to recording of previous speakers, visit the Manitoba Healthcare Providers Network website .

You can register here.




Mar 06 2024


12:15 PM - 12:55 PM


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