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The Patient’s Medical Home: Building the Health Care We Want and Need (QI Power Hour)

Session Description

Patients, families, and clinicians alike agree that we need better health care if we want better health for everyone in our communities. Implementing the Patient’s Medical Home (PMH) Model has achieved the quadruple aim of better health outcomes, patient satisfaction, clinician satisfaction, and costs. In this session, we will explore this model, how it works, what it has achieved, and how QI plays a role in optimizing the care offered in a PMH.

In this webinar, participants will learn:
• what the PMH involves
• how the PMH will change how the people of Saskatchewan experience healthcare
• how quality improvement is integral to the PMH vision


Dr. Ginger Ruddy, MD, MPH, CCFP, Assistant Professor, Academic Family Medicine, Assistant Dean, Office of Student Services, College of Medicine

Note: This webinar will be recorded; by registering for this webinar you are providing your consent to this recording.

For registration information click here.



Jun 23 2023


9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

