Canadian Patient Safety Week – How engaging patients improves care and helps us make the health system safer
As part of Canadian Patient Safety week Shared Health’s Quality and Learning Team is hosting a webinar on
How engaging patients improves care and helps us make the health system safer.
This session will be led by Colleen Schneider, the provincial lead for Patient, Family, and
Public Engagement at Shared Health. Basil Evan, the Quality and Patient Safety
Consultant at Concordia Hospital, will also be presenting.
Patients are engaged when they are encouraged to ask questions about their health issue,
discuss options for treatment, share what their challenges will be, and engage family
members or others for support in their healing journey. But engagement can go beyond
that. Patients, family members, and members of the public are getting involved in providing
feedback on the services that they receive to improve care and the safety of patients like
them. And, they are identifying and helping us address critical issues within the system, like
collaborating with staff to better understand and address the impact of bias and racism on
patient safety and the quality of care.
Free event
Click here to view recording.