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2025 Nursing Grand Rounds Speaker Series – Being, Becoming and Belonging: The process of social norm formation of nurses working in groups

Date: January 14th, 2025, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, ZOOM presentation. Central Time Zone.

Presenter: Cathy Schoales, RN, BEd, IIWCC, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON; & President, Northwest Chapter, Gerontological Nurses Association of Ontario.

 Title: Being, Becoming and Belonging: The process of social norm formation of nurses working in groups.



Nurses often do not consciously reflect on the norms or rules of the group which are often implicit, but what they do notice is that they do not fit within the group. This is related to their own values and beliefs and those of the group, if they do not align, they do not feel they fit and will seek out new jobs and possibly leave the profession. The ability of nurses to work within their values and beliefs is impacted by the contextual factors of their work environment, social environment, community, government, and legislative organizations, we are embedded within a system that impacts the way in which we think about the profession of nurses and our own identity as a nurse. This presentation will highlight the importance of understanding social identity and social norms of nurses working in groups to develop retention strategies that build nurses sense of belonging to the groups they work in, the organization and the profession.




Jan 14 2025


12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

