Staff Wellness & Health Booster Session November 2023 Caregiver Burnout
In recent years, we’ve all faced workplace, home, and social life adjustments, which can be overwhelming.
To support health system workers, Mental Health and Addictions, Shared Health, has organized Staff Wellness and Health Booster Sessions featuring timely topics like stress management and self-care, designed to fit busy schedules, with recorded sessions available
as a streaming video on demand.
Your days are full, you feel like you’re working more but achieving less, your energy and mood are low, you feel you can’t fully bring yourself to work, and don’t feel present outside of work; sound familiar? Providing direct services to people requires a lot of care and compassion,
and can sometimes lead to compassion fatigue. Burnout is another concern that is top of mind, especially for those providing health services. In healthcare, in particular, being able to manage and maintain our own well-being is essential to providing effective services and
supports. The question then is: how do we recognize the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue and burnout, and how do we prevent it? In this presentation, we will discuss and define both of these topics and look at how we can use self-compassion as a form of self-care to recognize, mitigate, and combat compassion fatigue and burnout. Cameron Tindall completed his BA with majors in Psychology and Rhetoric, Writing and Communications from and has been working with Sara Riel since 2012. Cameron has over 10 years of management experience in the community mental health/addictions and employment services field and is currently the Director of Mental Health and Addictions. Cameron has presented previously at the Global Wellness Summit, Canadian Professional Human Resource
Conference, and was published in the Canadian Journal of Aging in 2021 for his contributions to a project for front-line long-term care workers mental health during COVID-19.
The Mental Health and Wellness Resource Finder provides a number of mental health,
wellness and addictions supports and resources for you and those you care about.
Live Session:
Wednesday, November 21, 12 p.m. – For registration information click here.
Thursday, November 23, 3 p.m.
Sunday, November 26, 8 p.m.
Tuesday, November 28, 12 p.m