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Manitoba Harm Reduction Conference – Being a Shit Disturber is an Act of Love

The Manitoba Harm Reduction Network would love to invite you to our harm reduction conference “Being a Shit Disturber is an Act of Love“. This conference celebrates the rule breakers, and risk takers, as they / we fight against harmful drug policy, stigma and social exclusion. We would like to announce that we have secured our keynote speakers for the event – Dr. Marica Anderson and Dr. Carl Hart. Dr. Anderson is Cree-Anishinaabe and grew up in the North End of Winnipeg. She has family roots in the Norway House Cree Nation and Peguis First Nation in Manitoba. Dr. Anderson has been identified as one of Canada’s Most Powerful Women and she was named Physician of the Year by Doctors Manitoba. Dr. Hart brings his unique perspective on drug use and policy to our conference and we couldn’t be more thrilled to have such a powerful shit disturber join us! This conference has something for everyone interested in taking their harm reduction practice and knowledge to the next level. Indigenous harm reduction work is centered. Peer to Peer based harm reduction work is centered. Come and join us in moving the needle forward.

For registration information click here.


Nov 15 - 17 2022


All Day




Viscount Gort Hotel
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